BNB Admin replied

678 weeks ago

Novio Earring - 7,000,000 - sold through bazaar
Ninurta's Sash - Nogara's pop set item choice
Mars's Ring - 2,250,000 - sold as a pair with Bellona's
Bellona's Ring - 2,250,000 - sold as a pair with Mars's
Raphael's Rod - not selling through new rules
Total - 11,500,000

Persons Present
Aidz - 1,437,500 - paid
Dollbaby - 1,437,500 - paid
Forewarned - 1,437,500 - paid
Hesitant - 1,437,500 - paid
Renzy - 1,437,500 - paid, THATS MY IXION GIL BACK YOU FAGGOT
Smokerx - 1,437,500 - paid
Snowballx - 1,437,500 - paid
Vathris - 1,437,500 - paid

last edited 677 weeks ago by BNB
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