As a major heist approaches and with betrayal all around him, a respected crime boss has to summon all his street nous and killer instinct as he fights for survival. STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning <br/><br/>Liverpool crime boss Ged Brennan (Scot Williams) has built a successful and respected life for himself on the back of a life of crime but bad intelligence on his last scam lead to it all being a waste of time. Even worse, a figure head of crime in his local area has just turned up dead and the hunt is on for who did it. But Ged's planning to get back into the game with his biggest heist yet- but the threat of betrayal all around him is becoming a real problem.<br/><br/>All the ingriedients were here for a perfect crime film- realistic and brutal, The Crew on paper must have seemed perfect. But while it's far from an awful attempt to bring the world of the Liverpool crime scene to life, it still feels like a bit of a mess and like it falls short of what it first set out to do. And even worse, it seems to be one of those films where the trailer has made it look more exciting than it really is.<br/><br/>The main problem is how disjointed and incoherent it all feels, with the main story and the sub plot seeming to morph over each other and taking up too much time, and with the film running at maybe a bit too ambitious just under two hours, this is even more of a problem. While I understand the film intended to be brutal and hard hitting, a tooled up gang in forensic outfits filming their slaughter of a group of drug addicts in a flat, a scene where a male and female junkie are made to perform sleazy sex acts for and on two crooks with bisexual leanings and a leary Scots character who gets his thrills from strippers and fat hookers all feel a tad gratuitous and added merely for shock value. Far from awful, but could have been a lot better if done with a bit more restraint and focus. ** Being born and raised in Liverpool I have been waiting for something like this to come along, something that shows the true grittiness of the Liverpool streets away from the City Centre and The Beatles, Liverpool is one of the hardest cities in Britain if not the world, places like Huyton, Toxeth and Norris Green are a war zone, gun shots can be heard every night as the rise to the top of the food chain from rival gangs rages on and The Crew portrays this in stunning detail, massively under rated in my eyes, lads I don't recommend watching this with the missus or your kids but trust me you wont be disappointed, action packed, gritty, scouse!
Growiahe replied
335 weeks ago